Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

 Students reading and discussing the story, making predictions, and summarizing. Completing a performance task assessment made the three billy goats come to life in the fairytale classic.

Open the Door to Georgia's Natural Wonders

That's just what our class did as they completed performance task about the "Wonders of Georgia". From a child's point of view, visit our local 1-85 Welcome Center for a tour of these.
                  Hopefully our dvd will be shown at the Welcome Center! 

Exciting Times!

    Most of you already know that each day with a second grader is exciting. There are so many things to learn and share.  Each comment and assignment bring new and refreshing ideas. Come and share with us as we conclude our year. It's been a "Blast".

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Georgia Tree Mini Project

Write about a tree native to Georgia (we are sending some information) your paper should be 1 page double-spaced. Please include a visual drawing, poster, power point, display, etc. Project is due February 8th.